Friday, 26 February 2016

Nearly Ready to Go

Le Phare Bleu is a marina we have stayed in several times either at the start or end of the season and is part of a "boutique hotel" so the bar, restaurant and swimming pool are all available for our use. Not that we had much time for relaxation though. This is also the marina where Sarah had her "Iced Tea" (Long Island as it turned out) episode! We had rearranged Simon, the electrician, to come and wire in the new battery so Darrell spent an 'exciting' morning removing 5 old batteries and installing the new ones so they were ready for the extra wiring. Simon came on time and the job was soon completed. The outboard motor started more or less first time although the image of Darrell wrestling with very stiff steering on it as he tried to negotiate mooring lines, buoys and large yachts in the marina certainly entertained some of the onlookers as he weaved his way into clear waters. Not only did the outboard start, but the dinghy was not leaking air, much to the relief of both of us after last years protracted problems with dinghies.

In case you were wondering why the marina is also the Swiss Consulate it is simply that the owners are Swiss and they were asked by the Swiss Government if they would mind. Nothing more exciting than that. They are Swiss after all. (Sorry Lotti!)

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