This month's competition is from Admiralty Bay on Bequia. A beautiful if somewhat busy anchorage. In fact we took a while to find a spot to anchor off Princess Margaret's Beach. We spent a couple of days here exploring the island and are looking forward to spending more time here with friends later in the season.
Bequia has a lovely relaxed feel and is very welcoming. Port Elizabeth is the main town and is very pretty, with many of the houses and buildings having the 'Gingerbread' wooden fretwork characteristic of the Caribbean. Many are painted in bright colours adding to the charm. They have built a waterfront walk that goes right along the bay and is very pleasant. We walked across to Friendship Bay, which looks across the water to Mustique. We popped into the Boat museum and were amazed at the boats that are used for whaling by the locals.
Bequia whaling boats used up to 2010. |
The whaling boats are 27ft long and are rowed by the crew. The boats are manned by a crew of a seven. Using harpoons one of the men will shoot the whale. When he is successful another will put more harpoons into the whale and they will tie the whale to the boat. Before they row back to the whale station, one of the men sews the mouth of the whale up. This prevents it taking it on water and sinking. Whaling provided Bequia with oil, meat and wealth for a long period of its history.
If we win the competition, and we promise to be very, very good (especially with use of water) are we allowed to come back?
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