Monday, 19 January 2015

Paradise close to the World's End

Tobago Cays Marine Park is a 5.7km2 sand-bottom lagoon which encompasses four uninhabited islands protected by the 4km Horseshoe Reef and beyond it, World's End Reef. They were in private ownership from at least the 16th century until April 1999, when they were purchased by St. Vincent and the Grenadines. They definitely bought a gem!
View of Baradel Cay from Jamesby  across the anchorage.
The Cays are possibly one of the most beautiful places we have been blessed to sail to. With the glassy, translucent, azure waters, you get the feeling that you are at the gates of a peaceful heaven. Well that is when the sun shines, which was intermittent on the day we arrived, but thankfully the weather settled; the wind dropped and we had the sun for the weekend. Then we were treated to the Tobago Cays of the picture postcards. 
Having learned from last May, we tied a tripping line and buoy to our anchor, in the hope that it wouldn't be lifted by an early morning departure, leaving us drifting towards other yachts. It worked a treat, as other yachts gave it a wide berth, allowing us a bit of space and Sarah to relax enough to sleep at night.
Although the water was a bit choppy and  a little turbid, we swam on different reefs and saw colourful coral and an array of fish. We were joined by turtles, found an octopus hiding in a hole and managed to avoid the string of the ray. Despite there being several yachts anchored in the lagoon, we were able to swim in peace out on the reef. Pretending we were the only people in Paradise.

A turtle swims by.

We walked on the islands and this time saw several very large iguanas, rather than only the one last May. With the clear nights, we were able to lie on the deck and star watch. It is amazing how quiet it is, even though we were surrounded by other boats.
We thought our photos could do it more justice than our words. Especially as Darrell doesn't want me to get poetic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Sigh! Absolutely speachless. Want a wonderful place. So happy that you can enjoy this and even more that you are sharing! I think Simon and I will have to put this on one of our "places to see lists" for the future. Truly lovely.
